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From Ayrshire to Angola

Helix Safety personnel have travelled to Angola several times since being commissioned by Weatherford in 2005 to deliver a wide range of customised HSE training courses to operational staff on site. Courses delivered to date include:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Behavioural Safety
  • Lifting Operations
  • Hazard Identification

Also during summer of 2006, Technip commissioned Helix Safety to carry out a training and competence audit of one of their vessels based in Angola.

On returning to the UK, David Lake, Helix Safety Partner said,

"Feedback from both clients is encouraging, and with the opportunity taken during our time in the region to develop contacts with other companies, further HSE training contracts in Angola are being pursued."

Promoting Continual Improvement in Safety Performance

Helix Safety is committed to the promotion of continual improvement in safety performance via an integrated approach to safety training which the company has developed. Our new programme of courses comprises three primary elements and advocates the involvement and development of personnel at all levels.

Three core modules provide companies with a joined-up approach in developing a workplace HSE culture where leaders lead by example and motivate and coach their team towards improvement. Each course can also be modified to suit the client's existing process. Once established, all workers, from CEO down, understand and continually demonstrate a personal responsibility for safety.

  • Module 1 Safety and the Leadership Challenge - Safety Leadership
  • Module 2 PEP TALK© - Motivating Safe Behaviours
  • Module 3 First Defence© - Personal Responsibility for Safety

Click on modules for more information, or go to the Training section of this web site for details of all training courses we offer.

For further information on how we can help you enhance the safety performance of your company, please contact us direct at info@helixsafety.com.

Helping Kelvin Consultants

When Helix Safety was approached by Kelvin Consultants to deliver ad hoc training support to its clients, we were glad to help out. Partner Martin Slack explains,

"Kelvin Consultants developed the internationally renowned Kelvin TOP-SET suite of Incident Investigation training courses and software, and the company operates in over 30 countries. We were pleased to provide them with our own expertise and support."

Helix Safety Sponsors Rescue Boat

Sponsorship backing from Helix Safety supports a rigid hulled inflatable rescue boat operating on the Moray Firth. Recently Helix Safety also provided funding to allow the boat to provide rescue support services t the European National 18s Dingy Championships which took place off the Isle of Man. Partner Martin Slack said,

"The support we provided covered costs for supplying the boat complete with crew, fuel and other transport costs involved. The sponsorship sits comfortably with our passion and commitment to health & safety matters."

Dry Land Support for RNLI

Helix Safety has provided financial support to assist the purchase and maintenance of a caravan for the Kinross & Findhorn branch of the RNLI. Martin Slack of Helix Safety explains,

"The vehicle will operate as a portable sales facility for the local branch and will give the RNLI a profile when it is taken to exhibitions and events. The facility will also be used to help the local branch of the RNLI to raise funds. We are delighted to support this life saving organisation."